Vivien Ravdin Communications  
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  Great communication creates a partnership with others that can drive your vision forward  
We understand that communicating involves a multiple message.
At one level, there's a clear, crisp argument - the one important idea that this audience, at this time, needs to walk away with. Underneath are words and attitudes that convey your leadership, character, and integrity.

We emphasize content: real thought; imaginative parallels; understandable logic.
We help you connect with your audience and express your ideas in ways they will understand and appreciate.

We do extensive research.
Gaffes and mistakes have a heavy cost. To get it right, in content and tone, means knowing the facts and the environment in which your words are heard and read: global cultures, audience concerns and attitudes, the business outlook, hot-button issues, and more.

Three things* never to say in a speech:

1. I could go on and on...
2. Now let me be frank with you...
3. You gals will appreciate this  one...

* Alas, all of which have actually been heard.
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